Art is the highest form of hope

Anila Arora - ARPIT 2020

– Anila Arora, a student and teacher at RSCA and Core Team member of ARPIT 2020

KATHAK is one of the most fortunate classical dance forms, that inspite of evolving countless times, through changing contexts and mingling with other cultures, has managed to maintain its core essence. Art that can gracefully evolve with changing times is art that stays true to its purpose, which is to enrich our lives, to express and to fulfil.

The pandemic has brought with it an entirely new set of challenges. However, just like the resilient art form of Kathak we have adapted and chosen to look at the benefits that this new context has provided to us. People passionate about dance were finally able to pursue it right from the comfort and safety of their homes. Recording our practice sessions allowed us to immediately go back and review, let go of our fear of judgement and instead focus on improvement. This has instilled each of us with confidence.

The way we create, consume and connect with Art, has seen a drastic shift in recent times. This got us wondering about how far we could push this interaction between technology and a classical dance form. As a challenge and exhibition of our resilience we decided to go forward with organising a Digital Annual Concert, Arpit 2020.

The performances were not limited to the teachers and students but also extended into our households where the performers and the family members worked together and bonded over sustaining enthusiasm, coming up with creative solutions to so many unforeseen issues in the face of fear, restrictions and pressures of the  pandemic.

So immense was the families’ involvement that by the end of it even some of the students’ kids and family members had learnt the compositions – a bonding that would not have been possible otherwise.

Throughout these six months we have realised that no matter what THE SHOW CAN AND MUST GO ON. We have witnessed first-hand the power of patience, authenticity, hard work, dedication and passion for the art and we hope it shows. It was truly an enriching and inspiring experience; both as a teacher and as a student.

Perspective plays a pivotal role in accepting change and allows us to identify so many opportunities that we would have missed. It is all about staying motivated together, staying positive and making the best of the situation.

I would like to thank my Guru and my inspiration Rujuta Tai for providing us with such a wonderful platform and the motivation to be unstoppable and go beyond our limits.

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1 Comment

  • Posted 23 Oct 2020 9:11 pm 0Likes
    by Swati Sarwate

    Thanks for sharing

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