Shri Satish Bhat
Instrument / Art Form: Harmonium
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Shri. Satish Bhat was born in an agricultural family of a small village Malkoppa of Yellapur Taluk, North Canara district, Karnataka.
He underwent rigorous training in Gayaki of Gwalior Gharana for more than 25 years in Gurukula system from a well-known vocalist Pandit Ganapathi Bhat Hasanagi.
He has secured “Vidwath” degree from Karnataka Secondary Education Board and “Alankar”, a master’s degree in Hindustani Classical music from Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal, Mumbai.
He had won the first prize in All India Radio Music Competitions for the youth in the year 2000. Presently he is an ‘A’ grade vocalist of All India Radio.